Wednesday, June 13, 2012

You did it!

So we made our Kickstarter goal in raising the funds for the next Adventures of One Sock book. This book will be titled "My Dog Rodger. We also have a new Artist, the talented Natalie Silva!

There is still 18 more days left on the Kickstarter page, anymore Pledges will go to making Adventures of One Sock into an APP! Also we will be turning "One Sock" in a Ebook:)

I want to thank everyone for their Love and support for Adventures of One Sock! This book would of been able to come alive without everyones help and support!

We are still doing our Giveaway for having over 100 followers on our facebook fan page.

I will be posting pics and progress reports on how the new Adventures of One Sock book is going. Thanks again to everyone out there who helped make this dream once again come true!


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Our Very First Giveaway!

We are having our very first GIVEAWAY!!!

So since starting the Adventures of One Sock  Facebook page, we've gotten over 100+ likes! As promised on there we are holding a giveaway for the 1st One Sock book and some fridge magnets! So enter to win! Share the giveaway!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Facebook fan Page!

So One Sock has a new fan page over at Make sure you stop by and LIKE the page. I just posted who the new Artist is for the next Adventure installment, head over to Facebook page to see who it is. I will also be posting a pic of the new look of Adventures of One Sock!